fredag den 2. oktober 2015

Ekahau mobile survey

Android - Educational, Product Updates, Videos, Wi-Fi Site. The first and only enterprise-grade Wi-Fi troubleshooting and survey tool for Android. If I dwell on that topic, it irritates me.

Cons: Map and rogue ACLs require ESS, screen size limitations, pricey for standalone use. Access points located after survey o. Survey measurements shown during survey o.

Pinch-zoom, finger-pan, haptic feedback o. Map View, Coverage Analysis o. Troubleshoot the network on the spot 2. Monitor the network continuously 3. Click here for our price. Never before has surveying been so light, so quick, so easy. Easy and quick site surveys using a touch screen user interface.

Professional wireless engineers and IT managers are often tasked with making sure there is or will be ample wifi coverage in offices and conference rooms.

Any app which will scan air. Now I am planning for on. Perform map-based site surveys . Do tej pory nie było równie prostego narzędzia obsługiwanego za pomocą ekranów dotykowych na. ECSE- ECSE TRAINING AND CERT - DAYS (EKAHAU CERT SURVEY ENG) , New. Ekahau Spectrum Analyzer is what you . When you need to analyze a wireless network problem, do you still need to get . After a short hiatus the show has returned!

Sam and I discuss using tablets for surveying and deployment of wireless networks. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Führen Sie aktive und passive Tests durch und testen Sie zum Beispiel Signalstärke, Datenmenge, Paketverlust, . GHz (two units required for simultaneous dual- band).

Interference Analysis: investigate the impact of Wi-Fi and non-Wi-Fi interference sources and network utilization variation over time. MOBILE SURVEY WI-FI SURVEYS.

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