tirsdag den 26. juli 2016

Knx system pdf

Back then, most electri- cal installations in houses mainly controlled lighting, in some larger building also blinds were controlled with conventional electrical technology. The KNX standard – the basics. A bus system is a system of sensors and actuators joined together by a “bus cable”.

Radio receivers for door locks. Receivers for infrared re- mote controls. Fingerprint modules and card readers for access control.

The following are examples of actuators that can be con-. KNX -järjestelmän käyttöönotto. Building control systems. Plan for intelligent future safety. Combining building control with the technologies of the future.

No other bus system gives complete interoperability allowing mixing and matching of components without requiring special drivers or applications. This is a unique feature of KNX. All certified KNX products must display the KNX logo and are recorded by the KNX Association. Manufacturers of KNX products follow strict .

KNX Professional Programming Board. Commissioning and troubleshooting. Documentation and maintenance in the DIN Asystem , with the following components: ▫ KNX power supply. The 2V line (or the 4V line) is not required for the control stations (STN) (sensors).

It is only required for the power supply to the consumers. Výhody sběrnicového systému. Výkonové obvody odděleně od komunikace. Optimální množství kabelů.

Jednotlivé přístroje mohou zastávat více funkcí. The elements of an “intelligent building control system ”. Concrete electrical planning. ETS – The universal KNX software. Applications and functions.

System Components and Interfaces. Shutters and Sun Protection. It is intended for information before reading the entire specification. KNX Powerline PL 11 KNX Association, Tech.

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