fredag den 30. september 2016

Attenuation معنى

English dictionary definition of attenuation. To make slender, fine, or small: The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel. Looking for online definition of attenuation in the Medical Dictionary?

Meaning of attenuation medical term. What does attenuation mean?

Attenuation ) توهين شدة أو توهين مطال أي نوع من أنواع الفيض. If you are one of these users who have problems with the ADSL line, then you are in the right place. Have you installed an ADSL line recently and you get a slow internet speed? Sometimes the line is dropping and you are wondering… why . Slow internet speed is often a result of a bad attenuation and SNR margin figure.

In some instances interleaving can help raise the noise margin to an acceptable level. Mosaic attenuation is the description given to the appearance at CT where there is a patchwork of regions of differing attenuation.

It is a non-specific finding, which may be seen in any of the following: obstructive small airways disease: low. Mosaic pattern of lung attenuation on CT scans: frequency among patients with pulmonary artery hypertension of different causes. Sherrick AD(1), Swensen SJ, Hartman TE. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this . Weekly Word Watch: Beast from the . This simulator illustrates. There are two primary means by which we can change the x-ray beam produced by the tube: altering the current (mA) and altering the volage (kV).

Even though the photons are of . A vaccine against a viral disease can be made from an attenuated , less virulent strain of the virus, a virus capable of stimulating an immune response and creating immunity but not causing illness. The word attenuated derives from a combination of the Latin prefix ad- meaning to or toward and tenuis meaning thin. ACR-N is derived from NEXT and attenuation data. Any steps taken to improve either NEXT or attenuation performance will improve ACR performance. In practice, this usually means troubleshooting for NEXT because the only way to significantly improve attenuation is to shorten the length of the cable.

The amount of attenuation. All of the figures are measured in decibels (dB).

B as an unit, so if the figure is 13 that means 13dB. Here are some problems listed below which may be related to . For the intensity calculation the energy dependence of the X-ray device itself and the attenuation coefficient should. Let (μ.1) be the probability that an individual particle interacts in a unit thickness of material. If N particles are incident upon dl, the change dN in the number N due to absorption is: Page 8. Law of exponential attenuation. Linear attenuation coefficient.

In criminal proceedings, the attenuation rule provides that despite the illegality in obtaining evidence, such evidence may be admissible if the connection between the evidence and the illegal method is sufficiently remote or attenuated. Under the attenuation doctrine, evidence obtained after an unlawful arrest can be . Hello - Diffusely low attenuation in a CT studies of a liver would mean that there were widesprea scattered areas where the imagery was less clear than others. It has no intrinsic meaning except that it was not an ideal picture in the eyes of the reading radiologist. The phenomenon can be caused by any . If the Rx level is under -dBm, the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is likely to decrease, meaning that the speed also decreases. The measurement of ejection fraction (EF) by the of tissue, sothat a gradient indetector sensitivity exists radionuclide angiographie (RA) technique is based on along the line of sight through the ventricle.

Similarly, the concept that . So you are saying that decreased attenuation usually means that there has been fatty infiltraton. Could I have fatty liver and still have normal liver function blood test ?

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