onsdag den 11. januar 2017

Toggle button

A toggle button allows the user to change a setting between two states. API level 14) introduces another kind of toggle button called a switch that provides a slider control, which you can add with a Switch object. By default, mat- button - toggle -group acts like a radio- button group- only one item can be selected.

In this mode, the value of the mat- button - toggle -group will reflect the value of the selected button and ngModel is supported. Adding the multiple attribute allows multiple items to be selected (checkbox behavior).

Webix Documentation: This page describes how you can create a two-state toggle button on a page. Learn what toggle button types are available and what main properties you can use. Just remove the line toggle.

Two or more toggle buttons can be combined into a group where only one button at a time can be selecte or where no selection is required. Figure 5-is a screen capture of an application . Place a toggle button to the right of a label, in a table, or below a section describing what is enabled or disabled. A Material Design toggle button.

Demo will live update as you edit. List of all members, including inherited members. It enhances the visibility of a checkable . Uses for Toggle Buttons include: Flip the visibility of any asset or collection . The following image shows two Toggle Buttons in a set. ToggleButton widgets are a cross between Button and Checkbox widgets.

Set the ToggleType property to CustomToggle. Name, Type, Default, Description. Boolean, false, Initial state of the toggle button. Number, 30 Transition time for the animation.

The state changes to the alternate state each time the togglebutton is clicked. All buttons can be toggle buttons , but this lets you create one of the standard ones which has a tick- box and a text label next to it. See also: Button, DrawableButton, TextButton . The Toggle button represents a bit: on (selected) or off (not selected).

Visually the button looks down or depressed when it is selecte and up when it is not selected.

Logically, this component is very similar to the Check Box component. Note that for implementing a controls screen, the State Toggle is . This is usually what you want. Toggle Button Component Insert a toggle button in a Standard Maple worksheet or document.

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